To date the Reunion Committee
have received donations from the following individuals:
Doctor Andrew Thomson, Mr
& Mrs J McNaughton, Colin Fyfe, Abbie & Mary Duff, Beth Kennedy and
Ruby Mills.
Donations and/or raffle prizes
have been received from:
St Johnstone Football
Club. Chic Kippen & Son Ltd. McEwens of Perth Ltd.
Scottish & Newcastle UK Ltd. Stagecoach Group plc. Abbie
& Mary Duff, Kate Gairns, Ruby Mills, Mary Rennie, Aileen Smith, Les
Anderson the Stanley Butcher, Scottish & Universal Newspapers (Perthshire
Advertiser), Barr Printers Glenrothes, ABP.
Display of posters:
Les Anderson the Stanley
Butcher, Stanley Livingstone of Stanley Post Office, Gillies Bar.
Thanks to Shiner and his
helpers for organising the Horse Racing Night to raise funds and Gar Smith
for the Scottish Night. David Brough for the use of the Strathord
Lounge for meetings. Mary Duff for the announcements in the P.A.
Lodge Stanley 1262. Stanley Village Hall Committee.