Stanley School Sports Photos 11

 Picture 1 - Tullybelton Cup 1970

 Picture 2 - School Sports & Academic Champions 1967

 Picture 3 - School Sports Day 1978/79

 Picture 3 -  Sports Champions 1941 (thanks to Tom Robertson for this photo)

Stanley beat Redgorton 2 - 0 to win the Tullybelton Cup.  Back:  L to R  Glenn Ford, Gavin Fenton, Colin McLean, Spud Graham, Ray Stewart,  Jimmy Alexander, Colin Kerr.  Front:  L to R Craig Cameron, Andy Brown, Brian Morton, Mark Williamson, ??, Willie Stevenson.  (Thanks Wilie for the names)


School Sports and Academic Champions. Back:  L to R John Thom, A Murray Ewan (Senior Boys  Dux Medal) , ? Lennon,  Fiona Crawford, Ronald Robb.  Front:  ??, Ian Gibb (Primary Boys Sports Champion), Eileen Scott (Primary Dux  Medal), June McNicoll (Senior Girls Dux Medal), Shirley Stevenson (Primary Girls Sports Champion).

School Sports Day.  Susan McColl holding school crest. Margaret-Ann Williamson to her right with the dark T shirt and Malcolm Fyfe to her left.  Tommy Campbell middle front row kneeling and Vicky Simpson is the tall girl 5th from the left.  (thanks to Malcolm Fyfe for these details).

Tom Robertson and Lydia Lennon School Sports Champions 1941.