Stanley People Photos 59

  Picture 1 - 1989 (thanks to Kate Gairns for this photo)

  Picture 2  (thanks to Winifred Hutton for these two photos)

   Picture 3 

  Picture 4 - 1987 (thanks to Peggy Jolly for this photo)

 Chic, Tommy and Tam McDonald on their 1969 calendar 

Stanley Red Cross work party organised by Mrs Archibald Murray of Taymount.  They met in Tayside Hostel and made dressings. Back row.  Mrs Templeman, ??, Mrs Hutton, ??, Mrs Paterson.   Front left is Elizabeth Campbell (Bella's sister who had the shop in King St), Next to her is Mrs Ford (the late Dod's Mother).  Seated third from left is Mrs Dall.

Red Cross again.  Standing ??, Mrs Templeman,  Mrs Ford.  Sitting:  Mrs Campbell, ??, ??, Mrs Hughes and don't know the rest.

Stanley Gala Day Flower Show.  L to R:  Peter Forbes, Gordon Jolly and Dick Johnston.